20d ago

Vulnerability Issue Report

Hi team,

My name is Abdan Mukhithon Alkayyis, I am a security researcher and bug hunter. Does godmodehq have a bug bounty program? I found vulnerability issue that allows an attacker to Takeover the subdomain of godmodehq.com

If the admin don't mind, please reply this message for a detailed vulnerabilities. Or you can reply this message to my email address, here my email address : abnid312@gmail.com


0 replies
2mo ago

Changelog | Issue #13

Check it out at =>

Campaign Overviews

May 13 2024 | #13

Ignore is bliss - bullshit

If you don't know what gets you more leads, how are you to get even more?

We ignored this in our roadmap for long and now it is live on preview.

Ignorance isn't bliss, it's risky — unless it's pretending to enjoy your girlfriend's cooking."

0 replies
3mo ago

Changelog | Issue #12

Making outreach personal for each prospect

It was dark. It was cold. The messages generated were too generic, spammy and robotic. Our AI script was not reliable.

We were trying everything.

Put a smiley face in front of the prompt, they said.

Make it role-play in your prompts, they said.

Use another LLM evaluator for better prompts, they said.

Collaborate on your prompts, they said.

Nothing worked.

So we got rid of the prompts. For a more reliable experience. For a warmer, for a faster generation. For magic.

So we present the new Generate outreach.

Ask for access. Check it out at =>

And ask for access at GodmodeHQ

0 replies
3mo ago

My girlfriend listening to me practice

0 replies
4mo ago

Changelog | Issue #10

This one took time and care but we just launched Linkedin campaigns.

Ask for access. Check it out at => #changelog

And ask for access at GodmodeHQ

0 replies
5mo ago

Changelog | Issue #9

This one took time and care but we just launched Linkedin campaigns.

Ask for access. Check it out at =>

And ask for access at GodmodeHQ

0 replies
5mo ago

Changelog | Issue #8

Read the latest changelog over here to see what improved =>

Simply better and more accurate results for lead and prospect search!

0 replies
6mo ago

Changelog | Issue #7

Read the full changelog here →

We just dropped data points as well as new record creation.

0 replies
6mo ago

Changelog | Issue #6

Read the latest changelog =>

We just launched lead search and lists through natural language ✊

0 replies
6mo ago

Changelog | Issue #5

Read the full changelog here =>

0 replies
6mo ago

Changelog | Issue #4

Calendar + Filters + Top Posts

January 19, 2024 | #4

Calendar for Content

One thing that we have accustomed to for marketing tasks and campaigns is a calendar view. We just shipped an improved calendar view. Using the calendar, you can:

  • create posts for your selected time

  • schedule posts and drafts for approvals

  • have a unified view of your content in terms of the schedule and consistency

  • see who created and is publishing the post

Top Posts View

Engagement. It is very important when it comes to content posted. You don't want to waste time writing on a subject noone wants to read about. We just shipped a tab on the content table showing your top posts by metrics.


Now you are able to filter out your posts in your content table by:

  • Post content

  • Channel (Twitter / Linkedin)

  • Category

  • Status (whether draft, send or pending approval)

✅ Fixes and Improvements

  • ✅ Improvements for prompt management for Slack Content agent

  • ✅ Role of organisation members made editable

  • ✅ Shadow depth fixed on certain buttons

  • ✅ Profile picture design fixes

  • ✅ Emoji encoding now fixed in AI generation

  • ✅ Verification for authentication to access email content for Gmail from Google (pending review)

⏭️ Next up

  • ⏭️ Lead search through chat

  • ⏭️ Excel like tables for organising lists and leads

  • ⏭️ AI agent to find unstructured information about leads

  • ⏭️ Gmail inbox integration

  • ⏭️ Linkedin inbox integration

  • ⏭️ Inbox integration including Gmail & Linkedin

Any bugs, requests and fixes, hit us up and get a response in 5 minutes at =>

0 replies
6mo ago

Changelog | Issue #3

Read the full changelo here =>

Content Agents on Slack

January 12, 2024 | #3

Okay. We just launched our proactive content agents on Slack. This is the first step towards building a deep-deep integration with Slack.


  • We collected more than 1,000 outperforming Linkedin and Twitter posts manually checking for quality

  • We organised them according to subject, ranked them across likes and comments

  • Built a chunking system to rank the vectors and vectorised all the posts in a vector database.

Slack Connection

  • Built the Slack agent

  • On connection to your workspace, agent will work overnight to first generate 3 recommendations for social posting for your ideal customer profile

  • Agent will send notifications to you everyday before you wake up

Improvements on the website

  • A new changelog website on main website that echoes society.godmodehq.com

AI People Search

  • Design changes for an upcoming future. Keep quiet!

Let us know what you think about this week's improvements!

0 replies
7mo ago

Mert Deveci | Founder at GodmodeHQ.com

Yo yo yo 👋 - Mert here folks. Cofounder at GodmodeHQ. Some points above me:

  • Interested and working on AI-core/native software

  • Love designing stuff

  • Love finance and financial markets, used to be an investment banker at Morgan Stanley

  • Founded Godmode to centralise go-to-market operations, we are building Figma for GTM

  • I am a proud nerd

0 replies
7mo ago

🥁 Hiring a frontend engineer

We are hiring a frontend software engineer. Here is a no-bullshit write up of what we do, what we believe in, how we work and what we work with:

What we do: GodmodeHQ is the go-to-market operating system. We are building a sales and marketing enablement software that allows teams to find leads with AI, manage relationships on Linkedin and email in a single inbox and organise their media marketing.

1️⃣ What we believe in:

  • Hold bold ideas weakly

  • Optimism shapes reality

  • Obsession beats talent every time

  • Companies lose their soul when they exceed 15 people

2️⃣ How we work:

  • We work remotely. Ideally we would like to get more revenue to get into an office together.

  • We are in European timezone - UK, Germany etc

  • We keep the team small, 4-5 people. We hate layoffs. We hire only when it hurts.

  • We are customer requests and feedback obsessed with always a twist from our own creativity.

3️⃣ What you will work with:

  • Work with Next.js, TailwindCSS, RadixUI, Vercel

  • Work with the most recent AI libraries as well as datasets

  • Work Height, Github and Vercel for day to day

  • Work with open source large language models

If you are interested, hit me up on mert@troylabs.io

0 replies
7mo ago

🤘 Hiring a rockstar full stack engineer

We are hiring a full-stack software engineer. Here is a no-bullshit write up of what we do, what we believe in, how we work and what we work with:

What we do: GodmodeHQ is the go-to-market operating system. We are building a sales and marketing enablement software that allows teams to find leads with AI, manage relationships on Linkedin and email in a single inbox and organise their media marketing.

1️⃣ What we believe in:

  • Hold bold ideas weakly

  • Optimism shapes reality

  • Obsession beats talent every time

  • Companies lose their soul when they exceed 15 people

2️⃣ How we work:

  • We work remotely. Ideally we would like to get more revenue to get into an office together.

  • We are in European timezone - UK, Germany etc

  • We keep the team small, 4-5 people. We hate layoffs. We hire only when it hurts.

  • We are customer requests and feedback obsessed with always a twist from our own creativity.

3️⃣ What you will work with:

  • Work with Python (Django), AWS, Next.js, Postgres, TailwindCSS, Langchain, Radix UI, Vector DBs

  • Work with the most recent AI libraries as well as datasets

  • Work Height, Github and Vercel for day to day

  • Work with open source large language models

  • Work with data warehouses to merge and structure data

If you are interested, hit me up on mert@troylabs.io

0 replies
7mo ago

Changelog: Issue #2

Read the full changelog here →

Data dashboards

January 6, 2024 | #2

Data dashboard for Linkedin & Twitter Analytics

The team shipped a brand new data dashboard. The data is focused on 2 aspects:

  • Results and visits that are generated from your social posting

    • This includes followers and impressions. More importantly includes a conversion funnel from impressions to profile clicks to the URL clicks for the links that you share on your website

  • Consistency.

    • We heard time and again that it is very important to be consistent with social posting, ideally posting high quality content on a daily basis to build relationships with your followers and customers

    • Hence we overlaid the schedule of your posts onto your analytics to be able to see what worked in terms of results vs how many posts you sent out


  • Added a Drafts section into the sidebar where you can easily see the draft posts you created

    • This is intended to be an easy view of your inspirations and ideas

    • You can have them handy in the sidebar anytime you would like to keep writing or post or schedule.


  • Tweet quoter had a bug with the width side of the editor on click. Now fixed

  • We reduced response times for the API endpoints by improving on our infrastructure set up

0 replies
7mo ago

Changelog | Issue #1

New website & Editor Improvements & Community Center

December 31, 2023

Website improvement

We shipped a new website that reflects the changes in the current product and the vision of what we are building. Website was built in Framer for flexible changes.

The design is deliberately done in light mode with a white background. To collect waitlist submissions, we are using Tally forms embeds on click for submission.

Editor improvements

  • Auto-saving fixed inside the editor

  • Comment creation fixed when content for multiple platforms are created

  • Video upload limit increased extensively which means large size video uploads work seamlessly inside the editor both in:

    • Linkedin

    • Twitter / X

Post settings

In order to make it more user friendly and clear, we improved some of the posts user interface after publishing.

  • User now gets redirected to post sent page

  • Added toasts on submitting the post

  • Added a button inside the toast that goes to the post

  • View post button points to the post itself on Linkedin and Twitter

Community forums

We adopted Outverse to create a

  • community forum

  • blog

  • product feature requests

  • feedback

  • bug reporting

  • help

to deliver a centralised experience for the users. Now you do not have to juggle multiple places, tabs and links to access information about GodmodeHQ.

Join us at and introduce yourself.

1 reply